PhD students

95 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ARCINIEGAS Christian UNIFR E‑Mail Development economics Christelle DUMAS
ARRIGO Manuel UNIL E‑Mail Sports Economics Markus Lang
ASCHWANDEN Rahel UNIBE E‑Mail Understanding behavior and encouraging behavior change Prof. Dr. Claude Messner 2025
BACH Helena UNIGE E‑Mail Institutions and green consumption Jérémy Lucchetti 2027
BAHAMONDES Felipe IHEID E‑Mail Three Essays on Trade Costs and Firm Dynamics in Exporting Markets
BÉNÉDICTE Droz UNIFR E‑Mail behavioral economics Prof. Berno Buechel
BOHREN Noah UNIL E‑Mail Essays in experimental economics Rustamadjan Hakimov Predicted 2025
BONNER Katelyn UNIL E‑Mail The Strategy Space Problem in Gene-Culture Coevolution Charles Efferson
BRESSOUD Nicolas UNIFR E‑Mail Positive psychology interventions with pupils with special needs.
BRUNNER Philipp UNIBE E‑Mail Microeconomic Theory Prof. Igor Letina
BURRI Silvan UNIFR E‑Mail Whether an idealized advertising model fosters product evaluation depends on the product and on how malleable people conceive their body shape Herr Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Morschett
BUTERA Anaïs UNIL E‑Mail Strategies to reduce employment discrimination towards disabled individuals Dr. Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast 2024
CAGNOLO Emanuele UNIL E‑Mail Entrepreneurial finance, entrepreneuriahip, Innovation, Venture Capital. Prof. Annamaria Conti 2025
CHEN Mengjia UNIGE E‑Mail addictive behavior Aleksey Tetenov 2027
CHEN Yuxi UNIL E‑Mail behavioral
CHLOÉ Baillod UNIFR E‑Mail Services marketing; intercultural service encounters Prof. Dr. Olivier Furrer
DADIC Hana UNIBE E‑Mail Behavioral Economics & Sustainability Prof. Dr. Frauke von Bieberstein
DÉCAILLET Marion UNIL E‑Mail Multimodal neuro-assessment after adverse neonatal events in the context of prematurity and perinatal asphyxia with encephalopathy Micah Murray
Juliane Schneider
DIASSO Babou Sébastien UNIGE E‑Mail Assessing the impact of bilateral investment treaties on participation in global value chains in West Africa. Prof. Céline Carrère
Prof. Makane Moïse Mbengue
DRIEBERGEN Phebe UNIL E‑Mail The role of power and dependance on the motivation to behaviorally adapt. Marianne Schmid Mast 2025
DUQUE Diana UNIL E‑Mail Self-Gift Giving and Sustainability Prof. Sandor Czellar 2025
ELLIOTT Rebecca UNIGE E‑Mail Businesses for society Judith Schrempf-Stirling 2024
EMERY Yasmin UNINE E‑Mail Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the cognitive processes of cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus Redouan Bshary 2022
FALK Johanna UNIGE E‑Mail Affective Influences on Goal Pursuit: The Moderating Role of Deliberation Prof. Guido H. E. Gendolla 2023
FOMINA Kateryna UNIGE E‑Mail Human-Machine Collaboration in Organizations Professor Sebastian Raisch 2024
GARGIULO Alessandra Maria UNIL E‑Mail provisional domain: green financing Nicolas Rudolf 2025
GASPARYAN Vahagn UNIL E‑Mail Sport Governance, Management, Administration, and Ethics Mickael Terrien 2027
GIAUQUE Fabien UNINE E‑Mail The Interplay of Non-Price Interventions and Financial Incentives on Household Electricity Consumption Preferences Professeur Mehdi Farsi 2026
GONZALEZ Paula IHEID E‑Mail 1. Cash Is Queen: Local Economy Growth Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers to Women in West Africa 2. Agricultural Labor as a Constraints for Women Farmers Time Use Management and Markets Lore Vandewalle 2022
GOSETTO Laetitia UNIGE E‑Mail The Question of Mobile Application Personalization Aimed at Behavioural Change in the Healthcare Domain Gilles Falquet
Frédéric Ehrler
GRUTTAD'AURIA Giuseppe UNINE E‑Mail How Data Visualizations Affect Consumer Responses Valéry Bezençon
Adrian Holzer
GUILLOT Aude UNINE E‑Mail Domaine : Droit de la Santé Publique Titre : L'ARCHITECTURE DES HEALTHY NUDGES: Quels enjeux juridiques ? Professeure Mélanie Levy - UniNE 2025
GUIZAR ROSALES Emmanuel Teófilo UNIBE E‑Mail Neural correlates of sustainable behaviour (provisional) Prof. Dr. Daria Knoch
GUO Yiran UNIL E‑Mail Unethical behaviors and prosocial behaviors
GUTIÉRREZ RUAN María UNIL E‑Mail Disentangling lab in the field experiments Harro Maas 2026
HAESE Jérémie UNIL E‑Mail Digital Economics, Innovation Strategy, Platform Markets Christian Peukert 2025
HAFNER Danièle Christina UNIBE E‑Mail New Work in Organizations Prof. Dr. Frauke von Bieberstein
HALABI Celine UNIGE E‑Mail Reputation and Legitimacy Thomas Straub
Patrick Haack
HAMDAOUI Khalid UNINE E‑Mail Customer behavior Valéry Bezençon 2026
HAMMAMI Aicha UNINE E‑Mail International Human Resource Management Prof. Cinzia Dal Zotto
HELD Julian UNINE E‑Mail Strategic Management Prof. Claudia Jonczyk Sédès
HOECHLI Bettina UNIBE E‑Mail The end motivates the means: Focusing on superordinate goals to motivate goal pursuit. Prof. Claude Messner, Universität Bern, Departement Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Institut für Marketing und Unternehmensführung, Abteilung Consumer Behavior
Prof. Lorenz Götte
HOLENWEGER Geraldine UNIBE E‑Mail Consumer Behavior Prof. Dr. Claude Messner
INDURKAR Abha UNIFR E‑Mail Intersection of Behavoral and Development Economics Christelle Dumas
JHA Rahul UNIGE E‑Mail Customer Experienced Product Quality - could sustainability be one of the quality dimensions ? Prof Marcel Paulssen 2025
JMILI Nada UNIL E‑Mail Gender hiring discrimination Franciska Krings
KAESER Michèle UNIBE E‑Mail Evidence for Behavioral Economics
KAISER Franziska UNIL E‑Mail Economics of Digitization, Innovation, Platforms, Intellectual Property Rights Professor Christian Peukert 2025
KANGATHARAN Karthigejan UNINE E‑Mail Luxury marketing and new technology Bruno Kocher
KHALFALLAH Badis UNIL E‑Mail PhD candidate in Management (Department of Marketing) Prof. Tobias Schlager
KNEUBÜHLER Norman UNINE E‑Mail Social Networks Prof. Claudia Jonczyk Sédès
KONGSTAD Niclas UNIL E‑Mail Experimental game theory Professor Christian Thöni
Professor João Montez
KREUTSCHY Tiffany UNIL E‑Mail Management field, leadership area. John Antonakis 2027
KULLE Anna-corinna UNIBE E‑Mail Laboratory and field experiment in behavioral economics Frauke von Bieberstein
LIU Tanzhou UNIL E‑Mail Behavioral and Experimental Economics
MA Yao UNINE E‑Mail Social networks in organizations Prof. Claudia Jonczyk Sedes
MACIOSEK Benedikt UNINE E‑Mail Energy economics Prof. Mehdi Farsi
MADAH Mojgan UNIL E‑Mail Experimental economics Rustamdjan Hakimov
Christian Zehnder
MAES Ellen UNIFR E‑Mail Development economics Christelle Dumas 2029
MANNSHARDT Léana UNINE E‑Mail Consumer behavior / Social marketing Valéry Bezençon
Sabine Emad
MARTI Eva UNIL E‑Mail Inclusive Digital Extension Services for Smallholder Farming Households in India and Uganda
MATZINGER Jonathan UNIBE E‑Mail Marketing and Finance interface Prof. Dr. Harley Krohmer 2024
MEJRI Farah UNIL E‑Mail Innovation in management control system Daniel oyon
Davila Antonio
MOKEDDEM Louisa UNINE E‑Mail Management Professeur Valéry Bezençon
NANI Carlotta IHEID E‑Mail Essays in development economics
ODLUM Alex UNIL E‑Mail Humanitarian heuristics Joerg Dietz
Julian Marewski
OSTOVAN Nima UNINE E‑Mail Luxury Consumption Prof. Bruno Kocher 2027
PIRES RODRIGUES Gil Augusto UNIL E‑Mail Health literacy Marie-Anne Durand
François Luthi
4 ans
PYKÄLÄ Maria UNIL E‑Mail Cultural evolution
RAIMONDI Agnese UNIL E‑Mail Cross-border supply chain security Prof. Ari-Pekka Hameri 2027
RILLO Valentina UNINE E‑Mail Human Resource Management Cinzia Dal Zotto 2028
RODRIGUEZ Tom UNIFR E‑Mail Behavioral Economics Holger Herz
RÜFENACHT Valérie UNINE E‑Mail Consumer Behavior Prof. Bruno Kocher 2025
SANTOS SAINT ROMAIN Carlos Eduardo UNIL E‑Mail Leadership Development and Discrimination Joerg Dietz 2029
SCHÄDELI Daniela UNIBE E‑Mail Contradictions in Public Organisations: Analysis and Training of Public Managers` Paradox Mindset and Decision-making between Conflicting Values Behavioral Public Administration, Public Leadership, Training, Field Experiment, Discrete-Choice-Experiment Prof. Adrian Ritz 2024
SCHAFER Patricia UNIFR E‑Mail Essays in the domain of "Political Economy Perspective on Political Institutions" Prof. Dr. Reiner Eichenberger 2023?
SCHIMMELPFENNIG Robin UNIL E‑Mail Social learning and its effects on path-dependencies Charles Efferson
SCHMIDT Léa UNIL E‑Mail Exploring the role of the corpus callosum and inter-hemispheric communication for cognitive neurodevelopment – a multimodal approach Jonas Richiardi
Vanessa Siffredi
SCHMUTZ Yannick UNIFR E‑Mail Essays in Local Public Policy and Fiscal Policy Prof. Dr. Mark Schelker
SIRRY ELBASSIOUNY Mai UNIGE E‑Mail Visuospatial intervention during memory reconsolidation to reduce intrusive emotional memories after exposure to analog trauma. Professor Ulrike Rimmele
Professor Antje Horsch
STEMPFEL Florence UNIFR E‑Mail The Effects of Electoral Institutions and Information on Electoral Competition and Selection (provisional) Mark Schelker Bd de Pérolles 90 1700 Fribourg
STUHLDREIER Sanja UNIFR E‑Mail Sustainable marketing & communication in social networks Prof. Dr. Bambauer-Sachse
SUTER Manuel UNIBE E‑Mail Behavioural economics & sustainability
TAN Mi xue UNIGE E‑Mail The dynamics of brain networks mediating componential representations of emotions Patrik Vuilleumier
TUGNOLI Andrea UNIGE E‑Mail The effect of trading platforms on consumption Giuseppe Ugazio
Elise Payzan-LeNestor
VALERIE Caron UNIBAS E‑Mail Implementation of Early Intensive Behavior Intervention in a public service in Canada Annie Paquet
Annie Berube
WILDHABER Severin UNIBE E‑Mail Behavioral Economics and Industrial Organization Jean-Michel Benkert
XIAN Jing UNIGE E‑Mail FinTech, Household Finance, Behavioral Economics Harald Hau 2027
XU Jinfeng UNIL E‑Mail Development, Behavioral and labor economics
YOUNG Ashley UNIFR E‑Mail Dynamic Pricing Dr Bambauer-Sachse
YUAN Huajuan UNIL E‑Mail ESG
ZAFRA Jessica UNIGE E‑Mail Using a co-creation approach to develop a Core Outcome Set for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus David Beran
J Jaime Miranda
ZHAO Jianlin UNIL E‑Mail The role of guiding principles in overcoming contractual incompleteness Christian Zehnder
ZUMTHURM Samuel UNIBE E‑Mail FInding strategies to motivate consumers to reduce meat consumption Prof. Dr. Claude Messner
Prof. Dr. Frauke von Bieberstein