Who is eligible for reimbursement?

Only the PhD students from one of the Universities of Western Switzerland and inscribed to the Doctoral Program in Behavioral Economics and Experimental Research, researchers/teachers and people organizing the activities can ask for reimbursements.

New guidelines 2023

What kind of expenses is reimbursed?


Participation expenses:

Refer to expenses for traveling, meals and accommodation of PhD students attending an activity organized by the Doctoral Program in Behavioral Economics and Experimental Research.  Costs for attending activities other than those organized by the Doctoral Program in Behavioral Economics and Experimental Research, for which ECTS credits can be obtained cannot be reimbursed. For example, a doctoral student can obtain 1 ECTS by attending a conference and presenting his/her research work. As the activity is not organized by the Doctoral Program in Behavioral Economics and Experimental Research, costs for participation cannot be reimbursed by the program.

No matter how you travel (train, car,...), you are always reimbursed for the equivalent of the half-fare train tickets (2nd class) from your University to the place of the activity. Those of you having an AG ticket can also ask for reimbursement.

Accommodation and meals:
Accomodation: up to 100 CHF per day per person (Breakfast included).
Meals: 25 CHF per meal (up to 2 meals per day).

For activities that take place out of town, with common hosting of teachers/speakers and participants: up to 200 CHF/day/person, regardless of their status (professor, student), all costs included.

Operating expenses:

Cover primarily the material of consumption, other than any durable equipment.


Participants will be reimbursed only if the participation to an activity has been certified. Thus, make sure you sign the "list of participants" when you attend an activity. The person in charge of the activity is responsible for collecting signatures and sending this list to the coordinator of the doctoral program.

The amounts for the reimbursements should be considered as maximum amounts.

Do not pay with institutional credit cards.

A detailed description of the CUSO directives can be found here.

How to get a reimbursement?


1- Fill out the participants/teachers reimbursement form.

2- Sign it.

3- Attach all the receipts.

4- Hand in or send all documents to the coordinator (see below).
Except for train tickets, you always need to provide the appropriate original receipt/invoice. Bus/Metro tickets to commute from the railway station to the place of the activity are also reimbursed, but you need to provide the tickets.Taxi fares are not reimbursed.

Every payment is then carried out directly by the accounting office of the CUSO.

Send your reimbursement form with your receipts to:


Bénédicte Moreira

Coordinator Doctoral Program in Behavioral Economics and Experimental Research

Université de Lausanne

Faculté des HEC

Ecole doctorale - Extranef 124

CH-1015 Lausanne

+41 (0)21 692 36 98
