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Reputation in the Market for Technology

Author Shreekanth MAHENDIRAN
Director of thesis Prof. Jean-Philippe Bonardi Universite de Lausanne
Co-director of thesis Prof. Chirantan Chatterjee SPRU, University of Sussex
Summary of thesis

I am examining the role of reputation in influencing intellectual property rights and entrepreneurial capabilities. In the job-market paper, I examine the impact of misconduct allegations on unguilty (innocent) startups that share technological similarities with those involved in the misconduct, shedding light on the reasons why some startups fail to reach their full potential. In the next paper, I investigate whether negative shocks to trust influence the co-investment decisions of investors – not only in terms of their level of syndication but also in the quantum of investment. I make use of the misconduct allegation as the exogenous negative shock to investors and empirically examine the level of change in their co-investors' network. Finally, my third paper shows that incumbents that develop non-market strategies, such as a strong reputation, create a deterrence effect in trademark infringement thereby protecting their core market

Status finishing
Administrative delay for the defence 2024